Botanical Herbs

Showing 1–88 of 88 results

SKU: HW01-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Triticum aestivumCountry of Origin: USAProduction: Young wheatgrass sprouts are carefully harvested at the peak of their nutritional potency, then cold-pressed into juice, which is dried by air-stream at very low temperatures.Qualities: Wheatgrass has long established itself as a superb health food, and for...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
8 reviews


SKU: HO01-025

SKU: HO01-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (265 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Avena sativaOrigin: USAProduction: Oat is an edible grass that has been cultivated since prehistoric times for its edible, ripened seed (oat groat). Oat tops are obtained by drying and threshing the whole plant, including the dried oat tops.Oat...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
10 reviews


SKU: HD01-025

SKU: HD01-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (393 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Turnera diffusaCountry of Origin: MexicoProduction: Damiana is a small, aromatic, subtropical shrub that has serrated leaves and little bright yellow flowers. It is native to southern Texas and Latin America. Qualities: The use of Damiana for medicinal purposes...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
4 reviews


SKU: HH15-025

SKU: HH15-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1340 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Equisetum arvenseOrigin: BulgariaProduction: Horsetail is a flowerless, vascular plant that reproduces through spores rather than seeds. It is considered to be a living fossil and has changed very little, other than in size, in millions of years. Its roots...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
7 reviews

SKU: HA01-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (373 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Euterpe OleraceaIngredients: freeze-dried acai berry powder. Acai ( pronounced ah-sigh-ee), is also known as Acai Palm or Amazon Acai.Origin: BrazilProduction: Acai palms are a species of palm tree that are mostly native to Brazil and Trinidad. The fruit, commonly...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
11 reviews


SKU: HO02-025

SKU: HO02-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (810 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Avena sativaOrigin: BulgariaProduction: Oatstraw is an edible grass that has been cultivated since prehistoric times for its edible, ripened seed (oat groat). It is best harvested when the seed is mature but should still retain green in the stems...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
1kg (2.2lb)
16 reviews

SKU: D90-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (862 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Stevia rebaudianaOrigin: India / EgyptProduction: Powdered stevia leaf is produced from the dried foliage of an evergreen shrub related to the sunflower native to South America. In temperate regions it can be grown as an annual or herbaceous perennial.Qualities:...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
5 reviews

SKU: HL12-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1330 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza uralensis or Glycyrrhiza glabraOrigin: IndiaProduction: The licorice plant is a herbaceous perennial legume that grows best in well-drained soils in full sun. The root system consists of one main, deep taproot with several horizontal roots branching out....

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
4 reviews


SKU: HT08-025

SKU: HT08-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (6 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Names: Emblica officinalis,Terminalia bellirica, and Terminalia chebulaIngredients: Triphala is a Sanskrit word that means three fruits and is a composed of an equal parts blend of the dried and ground fruits of the Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki trees.Origin: IndiaQualities:...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5 lbs)
10 reviews

SKU: HG11-013

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Ginkgo bilobaOrigin: ChinaProduction: Ginkgo is native to China and has been found in fossils dating its existence back over 270 million years. The unique fan-shaped leaves are harvested in the fall.Qualities: The beautiful leaf of the ginkgo tree...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
4 reviews

SKU: HG22-013

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Centella asiaticaOrigin: Sri Lanka / India / MadagascarProduction: Gotu Kola is a frost tender, flowering perennial that is native to wetlands in Asia. The above ground parts are harvested manually after the three month maturation period.Qualities: Gotu kola is...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
5 reviews

SKU: HS20-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (235 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Asparagus racemosusOrigin: IndiaProduction: Asparagus racemosus is a species of asparagus that is common in Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, and the Himalayas. The plant has an adventitious root system of tuberous roots and about 100 per plant. Qualities: Shatavari...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
3 reviews

SKU: HP01-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (900 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical name:  Punica granatumIngredients: organic powdered Pomegranate juice, organic maltodextrin as a flow agent    Country of Origin: China Qualities: Pomegranate juice has high levels of antioxidants including polyphenols such as tannins and anthocyanins.Common Use: Dissolve in water or juice, mix into smoothies, raw fudge or chocolate, fermented...

56g (1/8th lb)
113g (1/4 lb)
454g (1lb)
7 reviews

SKU: HC32-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2644 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Vitex agnus castusCountry of Origin: Albania / MoroccoProduction: The chaste tree is a butterfly attracting small shrub with purple flowers that is native to the Mediterranean. The unripe berries are harvested year round, as ripe berries tend to...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
8 reviews

SKU: HA06-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1463 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Medicago sativaOrigin: EgyptQualities: Alfalfa leaf is highly nutritious. It is known to detoxify the urinary tract, purify the blood and liver, and has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. It is high in chlorophyll, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, especially...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2 reviews

SKU: HO04-1

AVAILABILITY: In stock (8 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Olea europaeaOrigin: Tunisia / AlbaniaQualities: It is said that in ancient Egypt, olive leaves were used in the embalming process, confirming the knowledge of their capacity to inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. More recently,...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
5 reviews

SKU: HY01-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (912 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium L. Country of Origin: Bulgaria Production: Yarrow is a flowering perennial native to temperate climates in North America, Europe, and Asia. It has feather-like leaves and clusters of tiny white flowers that bloom in the summer. Qualities: Yarrow has...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
1 review

SKU: HL07-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2042 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Aloysia citriodora Origin: Portugal / MoroccoProduction: Lemon verbena is a flowering plant native to western South America, though it now grows in many parts of the world. It is a perennial shrub that is harvested when the leaves...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2 reviews

SKU: HC61-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1197 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Symphytum officinaleCountry of Origin: BulgariaProduction: Comfrey is a perennial herb with large, rough leaves and whitish pink bell-shaped flowers. The turnip-like root is black and deep growing. Qualities: Comfrey root is said to have astringent, anti-inflammatory, demulcent and cell...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
4 reviews

SKU: HA07-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (616 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Medicago sativaOrigin: USAQualities: Alfalfa leaf is highly nutritious. It is known to detoxify the urinary tract, purify the blood and liver, and has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. It is high in chlorophyll, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, especially...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
13.6kg (30lb)
13 reviews

SKU: HL15-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1682 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Tilia europaeaOrigin: BulgariaProduction: Linden is a species of deciduous tree that is native to Europe and North America. The tree is noted for its longevity, sometimes living for nearly 1000 years. It produces tiny aromatic flowers that attract bees.Qualities:...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
6 reviews

SKU: HBX5-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (16 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical name: Lepidium meyeniiIngredients: black, red, and white maca root powder (2:2:1 ratio)Origin: Peru (blended in Canada)Production: Field-fresh maca roots are sanitized, dried, and powdered, yet never heated above 100F/40C, preserving all enzymes and nutrients at peak levels.Qualities: Maca is...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
3 reviews

SKU: F91-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1581 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical name: Lycium barbarum Ingredients: organic powdered freeze-dried goji berries, no additivesOrigin: ChinaProduction: Goji berries grow on deciduous, woody, perennial plants that are native to Asia. Fully ripened, bright red goji berries are juiced and then spray dried.Qualities: Goji berries grow at both high and low altitudes...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lb)
5 reviews

SKU: HE06-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1147 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Origin: ChinaRed dragon fruit, also known as Pitaya, quite literally resembles a little dragon with its spiky appearance, and grows on climbing cacti in subtropical regions of South America and Asia. Considered to be one of the best super fruits,...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
5 reviews

SKU: HA02-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (381 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Malpighia glabraIngredients: Pure organic acerola berry, no flow agentsOrigin: BrazilProduction: Processed quickly after harvest by freeze drying to preserve its nutrients and freshness.Qualities: Acerola, also known as acerola cherry, Barbados cherry, West Indian cherry, cereza, Florida sweet, or Manoa...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
6 reviews

SKU: HC12-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (469 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Galium aparineOrigin: Croatia / BulgariaProduction: Cleavers are annuals with straggling stems which grow along the ground and over other plants, easily recognized by the clinging leaves and sticky seeds that attach themselves. All parts of the plant are...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
7 reviews
STEVIA LEAF, c/s or tbc

STEVIA LEAF, c/s or tbc

SKU: HS45-025

SKU: HS45-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (199 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Stevia rebaudianaOrigin: IndiaQualities: Stevia leaves have a gentle licorice-like flavour and a sweetness that is said to be up to 200 times stronger than sugar. Research has shown that stevia, as a sweetener, does not contribute calories or carbohydrates to the...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
9 reviews

SKU: HE05-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (884 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Origin: ChinaAn eye-catching, flowering blue plant, butterfly pea is native to Asia and renowned for its unique colour, often used in cocktails and food/beverage production. Butterfly pea is known to promote hair and skin health, and is utilized in the...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)

SKU: HC66-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2410 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical name: Zea maysOrigin: PeruQualities: Purple corn (maize morado in Spanish) belongs to the same species as yellow table corn but mutated to contain some of the deepest shades of purple found in nature known as "anthocyanins" which native South...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
6 reviews

SKU: HP12-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Tabebuia impetiginosaWildcraftedCountry of Origin: BrazilProduction: The Pau d'Arco tree, also known as pink lapacho, or pink trumpet tree, grows in many regions of Latin America. When flowering, the tree boasts impressive magenta, white, or lavender blossoms that provide...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
6 reviews

SKU: HC17-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (735 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Nepeta catariaOrigin: USACultivation: Catnip is one of the many species of the mint or Lamiaceae family with square stems and terminal flower spikes. Native to the dry and temperate regions of the Mediterraneans, it is now widely cultivated...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
6 reviews


SKU: HE09-013

SKU: HE09-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1747 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Sambucus NigraCertified OrganicOrigin: Ukraine / BulgariaProduction: Elder is a flowering plant that is native to Europe, Northern Africa, and Western Asia. It produces large clusters of small, white flowers in the spring, followed by small blueish black (sometimes red) berries.Qualities: Elderflower has...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
2 reviews

SKU: HH12-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (229 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Humulus lupulusOrigin: PolandProduction: The hop plant is a robust, climbing, herbaceous perennial that is trained to grow along trestles. The cone and grain of the hops flower is harvested in the summer and dried. Qualities: Hops flowers are most...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)

SKU: HM07-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (479 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical name: Aristotelia chilensisOrigin: ChileProduction: Maqui is a small tree that is native to Chile and parts of Argentina. It is thick with branches and leaves and is evergreen. At the end of spring, the tree blossoms small white flowers...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
2 reviews

SKU: HR03-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (232 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical name: Brosimum alicastrumOrigin: GuatemalaProduction: Ramon is the seed of a sweet fruit grown on one of the largest trees in the tropical rainforest, which can grow up to 50 meters tall. It is native to Latin America and the Caribbean.Qualities:...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
8 reviews


SKU: HBX6-025

SKU: HBX6-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (17 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Ingredients: *psyllium husk, *hibiscus powder, peppermint powder, *Siberian ginseng (eleuthro root) powder, psyllium seed powder, *licorice root powder. (*organic)Origin: various parts of the world    Processed: Canada Qualities: a blend of cleansing herbs: Psyllium seed - promotes digestive health and regularity Hibiscus - rich...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
1 review

SKU: B773-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (16 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Saccharina latissimaOrigin: CanadaProduction: Sustainably hand-picked from the clean, cold waters of the North Atlantic and low temperature air cured to preserve enzymes.Qualities:  Sugar kelp, also known as Wild Atlantic Kombu, is a brown sea vegetable that grows about 15 feet long...

113g (1/4lb)
227g (1/2lb)
1 review

SKU: HGF2-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Origin: USAIngredients: *Alfalfa Juice, *Barley Grass Juice, *KAMUT® Brand Wheatgrass juice, *Oat Grass Juice, *Wheatgrass Juice  [*ORGANIC]For a comprehensive nutrient boost.. Five Greens is a grass juice blend, dehydrated via a proprietary process that preserves the benefits of raw, fresh juice....

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)

SKU: B762-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1361 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: chondrus crispus Origin: CanadaProduction: Wildcrafted, sun-dried, and sustainably hand-harvested. Please rinse and wash thoroughly before using. Qualities: Irish Sea Moss is a type of red sea algae, its principal constituent being the polysaccharide carrageenan which gives Irish Moss its signature gelling qualities. It is important...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
3 reviews

SKU: HS49-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (18 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Botanical Herb

Botanical Name: Pfaffia paniculataOther ingredients: maltodextrinCountry of Origin: BrazilProduction: This is a 4:1 water/alcohol extract of wildcrafted Suma Root. After extracting, it is spray dried, and maltodextrin is added as a flow agent. Suma root is a ground vine that grows in South America (mostly Peru,...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)